Garda Dop Oil, Laura Turri is the new president

Claudio Andrizzi
Written by Claudio Andrizzi

Laura Turri is the new president of the Consorzio Olio Garda Dop: to converge on her name the new board of directors elected by the shareholders’ assembly last March 2nd. The owner of the Fratelli Turri oil mill in Cavaion Veronese, Laura Turri had already been at the top of the consortium in the four-year period 2002-2006: in the last ten years she was vice-president of the Brescia leader Andrea Bertazzi, who will now become vice of her colleague. Almost an exchange in short, within an organism in which two new directors have also joined, namely Roberto Denti and Alessandra di Canossa: the rest of the board is composed of Giovanni Avanzi, Dario Chincarini, Enrico Franzini, Valentino Lonardi, Simone Padovani, Giorgio Planchenstainer, Rita Rocca, Paolo Venturini and Corrado Viola.

“During my previous term as president of the Consortium, the three shores were joined, Bresciana, Orientale and Trentina, and the Ministry has recognized the DOP,” says Laura Turri-  I strongly believe in the teamwork of the Council and I will continue to work for the protection of the brand and the enhancement of oil production on Lake Garda, where there are 12 million tourists a year “.
Currently the Consortium brings together 464 members in sixty-seven municipalities between Veneto, Lombardy and Trentino: in the 2016/2017 year saw the production of a total of 2500 quintals of Garda Dop Certified Oil in the three different types: Garda Bresciano DOP, Garda Orientale DOP and Garda Trentino DOP. Next promotional event: the That’s Garda day scheduled for March 25 at the Antica Cascina San Zago in Salò, with tastings open to the public from 10 to 6pm .

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