Connecting a wine to a territory also means talking to young generations, involving them in the awareness of the added value, cultural and economic, that a production represents for a specific geographical area. It seems to point to this goal without any doubt commendable the new project of the Lugana Consortium, which has launched a collaboration with the high school Bagatta of Desenzano for a school work program entitled “Lugana: between enology, territory and culture”. The project aims to bring students closer to the Low Garda wine sector, which has been able to express one of the most successful Italian white wines in the world, with an export percentage of 80% and the best-paid grapes in Italy right now.
“It is important for young people to know closely the production reality that surrounds them and specifically the oenological heritage of our territory – explains the Lugana president Luca Formentini -. The programs include workshops, visits to wineries and a period of stage in the cellar to deepen the study of the wine sector: for the boys, the opportunity to understand the characteristics of Lugana, know the production and sales processes, gain greater awareness and skills certainly useful for a future integration into the work market “. There are 33 students of the fourth classes involved in this project, whose activities will go on until the next month of July.
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