Il Lugana bio Perla del Garda fra i best d’Italia

Claudio Andrizzi
Written by Claudio Andrizzi

The organic Lugana 2016 produced by the Perla del Garda winery in Lonato stands on the podium of the Best Wines of Italy according to critic and sommelier Luca Maroni: the wine signed by the winery managed by Giovanna and Ettore Prandini has in fact won the award for the best Lombardy white wine in the event “Best Italian Wines-Milan 2017′, scheduled at the Magna Pars Event Space in Milan from 23 to 25 November with the organization of the eclectic journalist, wine influencer and sommelier.

The prize will be delivered by Maroni at Magna Pars right on the inaugural day of the event, on November 23rd. For Perla del Garda this is a new and important milestone, adding to the many satisfactions collected in a decade of activity that saw a steday growth, marked in recent years by the changeover towards organic farming.


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