Oil, organic debut for La Verità in San Felice

Claudio Andrizzi
Written by Claudio Andrizzi

The 2017 of the Cooperativa Agricola San Felice, better known as La Verità (The Truth in english), begins under the sign of an important innovation: active now for 70 years for the protection of Lake Garda extra virgin olive oil, the coop managed by president Antonio Leali has decided to expand its range to a new biological oil, which will complement the DOP Garda Bresciano Verità (green label) and extra virgin Passion (orange label).

“It is a small batch of a thousand bottles that will be available shortly – says the technical director Pierpaolo Vezzola -. A limited amount we have decided to produce also to fully enhance the work of our five certified organic growers members, but it is also a bet on a market that also in the oil field is recording a continuous growth “.

La Verità has faced a very complex year for olive oil, but at the same time one characterized by a strong growth.

“The year 2016 began under the sign of a strong recovery in production, but later the appearance of the olive fruit fly has caused heavy losses especially in the Upper Garda – tells Vezzola -. In Valtènesi however, thanks to a very careful monitoring, we were able to counter this pathogen bringing to fruition an excellent result with a significant increase compared to 2015. Just think that in quantitative terms the Cooperative mill has worked slightly less than 9000 tons of olives, touching the absolute record of 2013: growth on the previous year was 35%, although yields were lower. However, we have produced just over 1000 tons of oil, 20% of which is marketed under our brand. ”

Even in terms of quality 2016 vintage is confirmed as abnormal.

“From the organoleptic point of view 2016 is a season in itself, even if this is true, however, for each year – concludes Vezzola -. We have definitely less spicy oils, slightly less intense and far more delicate than the local average, although always very characteristic of the classic Garda identity”.

At the top of the range remains the Dop La Vertà, for the production of which the Cooperative retires directly olives certified to ensure a rigorous selection on the raw material input, which has to ensure precise characteristics in line with the disciplinary Garda Bresciano; for the Passione instead Coop withdraws directly the oil made from the olives conferred by the 300 member producers.

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