It is a sign that has made the history of Garda viticulture: and now the Redaelli De Zinis winery, located in the rural village of Calvagese of the Riviera, is ready to write a new, important page of a glorious entrepreneurial affair started in 1623, the foundation year of the cellar from then on in the hands of the Redaelli De Zinis family. From the forthcoming 2017 harvest, in fact, all the wines and sparkling wines of the farm will be eligible for organic certification after completing the mandatory three-year conversion period for organic farming started in 2014. A passage extended to all the plots of the beautiful estate , dotted with vineyards with over 50 years of age always cultivated with eco-environmental criteria.
“It was a stimulating production transformation – says Alessandro Redaelli De Zinis, at the top of his family business with his brother Ugo-. A choice born from the belief that the world of consumers is increasingly attentive to health issues and quality production, where the demand for a “secure food chain – from the field to the table” is becoming more and more pressing, as unfortunately in this globalized world there are very different and very often confused, conflicting rules with no serious controls. ”
So this will be just like a s sort of new debut under the colors of organic for the wines of a range that, from the blanc and blanc sparkling wines, comes to whites such as Garda Riesling, Garda Chardonnay or Lugana, to the typical productions of Valtènesi, the hilly area that runs along the coast between Desenzano and Salò (but can also be reached along the Brescia-Salò ring road) that also counts Calvagese among its villages: and therefore the always lovable Chiaretto and the Garda Rosé Extradry, the Groppello, based on the indigenous vine that characterizes the area’s oenologic vocation, and the reds of the Garda Classico Superiore Doc, aged for years in large Slavonia oak barrels.
Located in a green oasis surrounded by beathtaking views, just a few kilometers from Brescia, the cellar owes its reputation not only to its superb natural scenery, but also especially to Ugo de Zinis, grandfather of the current owners, who after graduating at the Montpellier School (the first Italian degree in oenology) gave an extraordinary impulse to the company’s enoic activity, opting – at a time when wines were usually sold in demijohn – for marketing in bottles, and selling them at the so called “Soste”, the stations where the diligences stopped to drink and feed the horses.
“From the beginning we have bet on the extraordinary opportunities that wine tourism offers in a splendid and lucky land like the Garda – explains Alessandro Redaelli De Zinis -. For this reason we have also created the “Valchiese” restaurant, where every year thousands of tourists arrive to taste and purchase our wines, sparkling wines and extra virgin olive oil accompanied by typical food specialties of the area. ”
The “Borgo alla Quercia” Restaurant (, situated directly above the cellars, is also available for guests: a situation for groups of not less than 20 people, especially for events and ceremonies of all kinds. Another popular destination is the wine cellar’s showroom, where, besides wines and sparkling wines, guests find extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegars and traditional, unique durum wheat pasta, hand-made biscuits, sauces and jams.
“Hospitality is everything for us – says Alessandro -. Our visitors can safely stroll through the countryside, in the company of colorful peacocks, pheasants and geese, reaching the banks of the nearby Chiese river, visit the church of Palazzo De Zinis, dating back to the 17th century, where there are precious paintings by artists such as Paglia, Celesti, Giacomo Ceruti called “Pitocchetto” … Our goal is to offer a true 360-degree sensory experience: an opportunity to discover the beauty of a land of great hospitality, rich in history and extraordinary flavors. ”
Visits and tastings can be booked by mail ( or by telephone (+39.030.601001 – 601573)
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